Netzerocup © 2024. All rights reserved.
As sugarcane grows, it absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere.
Their lifespan ends, they can be used to create new products or generate energy.
Our bioplastic raw material is obtained from leftover sugarcane juice and molasses post food production, and produced with green energy.
The term “net zero,” refers to significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions produced by daily life activities and eliminating the remaining greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.
A company can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from its operations by adopting beneficial methods such as using green energy and therefore it can prevent greenhouse gas emissions from forming in the first place. Furthermore, it can offset its carbon footprint by planting trees.
The European Union aims to become “climate neutral” by 2050, meaning it will have zero net greenhouse gas emissions.
The EU is “Turning the tide on single-use plastics’
New EU rules are targeting banning many single-use plastics in 2021, including cups and drink containers made of polystyrene (including lids), together with significant and sustained cuts in consumption of single-use plastic cups (including lids/covers) by 2026. The aim is to reduce litter and help develop and promote a smart and sustainable circular economy and future for everyone!
Single Use Cup per year: 5.5 X The World
There is no UK or European market for contaminated paper food packaging. 2.5 billion coffee cups are used and thrown away each year in the UK – enough to stretch around the world roughly five and a half times – but less than 1 in 400 – just 0.25% – are recycled.”
House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee DISPOSABLE PACKAGING: COFFEE CUPS, 19 DECEMBER 2017
2.8 Billion Disposal Cups in Germany!
In Germany alone, the consumption of 2.8 billion hot drinks in disposable cups – of which approx. 1.1 – 1.2 billion are consumed “to take away” – generates approx. 28,000 tonnes of waste per year.
“Every disposable cup used is one too many. Disposable cups are a waste of resources and pollute our environment. Reusable cups are the right choice.”
Maria Krautzberger, UBA President (2019)
net zero cup
net zero cup
net zero cup
net zero cup
net zero cup
net zero cup